Employer of Record Service (EOR)

Build, Offshore, Setup Operation and Expand In India

EOR Services

Employer of Record Service (EOR)

Are you considering expanding your business in INDIA? Do NOT have Indian presence ? Nothing to worry any longer !

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In India, we are the trusted partners of our Global clients. We take on the responsibilities completely of your work force or Employees’ as your Employer of Record and support international and local businesses who want to employ work force in India, without having to establish a local entity.

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Employer of Record

An Employer of Record, sometimes known as an international PEO .(Professional Employer Organisation) , enables you to quickly hire and onboard employees in India. Often, it takes as little as two to four weeks, without having to take on the cost and risk of establishing a local entity. With over 10 years in the industry, we’re experts when it comes to human resources and payroll needs in India.

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Workforce Management Solutions

We can take on your day-to-day complete human resource needs from hire to retire of your employees that include issue of offer letters, background checks, onboarding, employee records management, and more.

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01Payroll Management

By delegating us to undertake your payroll management, you can focus on your day-to-day business while we focus on the administrative functioning behind your people. We’ll onboard your work force efficiently, with legally compliant contracts, and co-ordinate and manage their end-to-end employee benefits and payroll process.

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02Human Resources Support

We are HR professionals at heart and our team’s ambition is to maximize your work force's performance so you can meet your strategic objectives. We strategically approach the effective management of your work force so they can help your business to gain a competitive advantage. We’ll work with you to develop employment policies, contracts and necessary guidelines for your work force and can implement policies and processes on your behalf. When it comes to the ever-changing legal and regulatory landscape in India, we’ll always be on top of developments and changes, providing you with the peace of mind that your people are always employed in compliance with the relevant local rules and regulations.

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03Visa Management

Applying for a visa can be a daunting process. Our solution is tailored to your company’s needs to achieve a positive outcome for your work force seeking a visa to work in India. We’ll assist you in the processing of Visa application for you from beginning to end . Have questions about employee benefits, health care or employment state laws ? Call us today.

Need of Highly Qualified HR Personnel or Employment Opportunities